Seven Towers Male Voice Choir

Office Bearers
Music Team
Annual Concert

Choir Membership

The Choir draws it's members predominately from the Ballymena area, but some travel from much further afield, travelling from Garvagh, Kilrea and Templepatrick.

The Choir is always on the lookout for new talent to bolster it's numbers. Anyone who has an interest in joining us should speak to a Choir member directly or use other methods of communication in the contacts section.

The Choir

FIRST TENORS John Brown Harry Lamont Nigel Moore
James Rainey Tom Warwick
SECOND TENORS Leslie Barr Tom Carlisle Maurice Crabbe
Bertie Dunlop Bert Kernaghan Jonathan McAuley
Michael McKelvey Derek Murdoch Robert Quigg
Geoff Simon Richard Todd
FIRST BASS Ian Alexander Ronnie Burns Mark Compton
Ian Davidson Gregory Hamill Charlie Kinney
Uel Linton Robert McCready Raymond McKeeman
David Morris William Stewart Henry Yorke
Campbell Younger
SECOND BASS David Alexander George Beattie George Irwin
Desmond Kennedy David Laughlin Brian Leeke
Marshal Lindsay Uel Marcus Ian McKay
John McKelvey David Mudd Robert Orr
Jim O'Shea Brian Smith Ian Stewart

Member of the National Association of Choirs